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Monument | Anti-Monument Symposium

6 Interdisciplinary Panel Discussions with Distinguished Speakers

Image: Monika Weiss, Nirbhaya (2021) Limited edition C-print. Courtesy the artist.

Links to Video Recordings of Symposium’s Six Panel Discussions:

  • Panel 6 | Nirbhaya : The Future of Collective Memory

Invited Panel 6 speakers: Michael Arad, Katarzyna Falecka, Leila Nadya Sadat, Buzz Spector, and the artist Monika Weiss, moderated by Rick Bell.

Further information about Panel 6:

Invited Panel 5 speakers: Lance Jay Brown, Marianne Hirsch, Wendy Evans Joseph, Krzysztof Wodiczko, James E. Young, and the artist Monika Weiss, moderated by Rick Bell.

Further information about Panel 5:

Invited speakers: Weronika Elertowska, Eulalia Domanowska, Vanessa Gravenor, Kamala Sankaram, Julia Walker, and the artist Monika Weiss, moderated by Rick Bell.

Further information about panel 4:

Invited Panel 3 speakers: Chip Crawford, Percy Green, Lynne Jackson, Walter Johnson, Eric Mumford, Jeffry Smith.and the artist Monika Weiss, moderated by Rick Bell.

Further information about Panel 3:

Panel 2 invited speakers: Nina Colosi, Mark McDonald, Verity Platt. and the artist Monika Weiss, moderated by Rick Bell.

Further information about panel 2: Nirbhaya: Film, Sound, Water and Lament

Recording Panel 2:

Panel 1 invited speakers: David Lelyveld, Tyler Meyr, Gwen Moore, Griselda Pollock and the artist Monika Weiss, moderated by Rick Bell.

Further Information about panel 1:

Recording Panel 1: